Thursday, February 28, 2008


Just saying the word hospital gives me the wiggins. I have been poked and prodded and operated on so many times and even though it has been awhile since my last surgery, walking through those doors brings me right back. It's like a time warp. In a matter of seconds, I am right back in that backless gown, ass hanging out, IV in arm and butterflies in my stomach. Every worse case scenario flashing through my mind. Know what's worse than your average garden variety hospital?? A super duper ghetto Oakland hospital!! I went with Taryn and Joel the day that Miss Taryn had her back surgery and let me tell you, that hospital was somethin' else. I won't tell the whole story, but I will give you a snippet to chew on.
We arrive at the hospital, which is located in a less than savory part of town. Admitting is done and we are taken to a room for pre-op. Actually, I wouldn't call it a room. I will call it a "slightly larger than a crack house bathroom, but not as clean as one" type of room. First thing I notice..carpet. Why the fuck would you have carpet in a hospital? My thoughts are immediately drawn to every virus, bacteria and pathogen we have talked about in poop class and how that lovely indoor/outdoor carpet would house them just swimmingly. Secondly, the chair that poor Taryn has to sit on is all kinds of busted. First off, it looks like it was from a dentist's office. From the 50's. Secondly, it is broken. Every time she moves it makes the horrible noise and shakes, like it is just going to fall to pieces right there. What's worse is that it did it while the nurse was in there and she just dismissed it. Now, i'm not a nurse, nor am I a medical professional in any sense, but the bitch knew Taryn was in there for back surgery. Would it have been to much for her fat ass (and she was a biggun folks, and red to boot. she did not look healthy, but I digress) to say "hey, this poor girl is in for back surgery, so that MUST mean that her back is fucked up and she may quite possibly be uncomfortable and me, being a nurse and in a profession to fucking help people, I think it would be a good idea to get this girl and nice, non-broken chair." Yeah that must have been too much for her 500 plus pound self to comprehend. She just went on asking her questions and writing her notes. The second thing I notice about this stellar, top of the line room is the garbage can. Now, it's just a regular garbage can, which is problem numero uno. It is also badly in need of emptying. Not only is it a regular, non covered garbage can that is in need of emptying, it is fucking so full that it is overflowing!!! There is IV tubing hanging out of it and touching the floor! Again, not in the medical industry, but one assumes that said IV has been used. I mean, why would they throw away a new, non-used sterile IV hmmmmm??? Virus, bacteria and pathogen's oh my! By now, I am trying to keep myself calm and not go absolutely ape-shit postal for Taryn's sake. In addition, I am also ignoring the impulse to grab her and take her to a beter a better hospital, say a big "fuck you" to Kaiser and pay for the surgery myself : ) So then nurse Fatty Mc Fatterson takes Taryn's temperature. She is sitting off to the side of the jacked-up chair. When she is done, she then proceeds to hold the thermometer up and clicks the button to release the sterile cap (fuck, at least they used one of those, on must be thankful for small favors!!!) which she then sends the used...and I stress the word USED, cap flying towards to the overflowing garbage, banks it off the wall (of the wall. off the fucking wall people!) and into the trash. Being that I am such an astute person, I can only assume that this room has been used before. Call it intuition or chalk it up my incredible investigative skills, but that garbage didn't get full on it's own!! I am so beside myself and in shock that she did this, all I can think to say is "nice shot". So many health violations there, so little time.
In the end, the operation was a success and Taryn is safely home, where I know for a fact, it's a sterile environment : ) All I could really ask for is that she is safe,healthy, and well, straightened out. I know she is safe and healthy. The straightened out part will happen in time, hopefully. All comedy aside, I hope she ends up good as new. Nobody likes to see the people they love in pain, ya know?
That's about it for today. It's noon and I am still in my jammies. I need to shower, eat, clean and study. Not necessarily in that order.


Michael said...

I read this yesterday, but failed to leave a note....

You painted quite the picture. A very enjoyable read, even though the experience could have been...more sanitary?

erin said...

yes, more sanitary would have been lovely : )